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To Get Fit, Commit. It's That Easy. 

I understand it's not always easy to fit working out into our busy schedules. Most of us can admit, half the battle is just getting to the gym. My unique functional training gives you something to look forward to. Work out in the privacy of my personal gym or your own home, or in a small class setting with like-minded individuals, while implementing the accountability we're all looking for in training programs. 

Personal training 
Small Group
Training Sessions


 Up to 10 People Per Session 


  • Fun, ever-changing workouts with a small group helps with accountability; positive & uplifting atmosphere pushes everyone to be their best and small group allows for workouts that are challenging yet personalized for the levels of each participant. 

  • Gain more energy, create a new image

  • Build strength and endurance, reduce stress and feel better

  • Improve recovery rate, better your heart rate

  • Reduce body fat, increase muscle

  • A fun, challenging way to workout

  • Personal training in a small group setting (up to 5 people)

  • Functional movements that work muscles groups used daily

  • A variety of movements and exercises incorporating simple equipment in the gym, daily warm ups and stretching, occassional yoga and outdoor workouts.  

  • Class includes: Circuit Training, HIIT Workouts, Kettlebell Classes, Medicine Ball Classes and More!

  • Classes change regularly keeping your workouts exciting, your muscles guessing and the boredom factor at bay

  • Measure and track your results

Personal Training

Interested in personal training sessions outside the typical gym? I offer personal training sessions in my private home gym. Together, we work to create an individualized plan addressing imbalances and strengthening your body to reach your fitness goals. 


  • Build strength and endurance

  • Reduce body fat, increase muscle

  • Work one-on-one

  • Deveolp a program in the gym, as well as exercises you can do on your own at home

  • Measure and track your results

  • Option to add classes and/or health coaching

  • Split your one hour session with a friend!  


Personal Training: Will Travel

Would you like to have a personal trainer, but just can't seem to fit it into your schedule? Then bring the trainer to you! I bring everything we need to do our workouts, all you have to do is be ready and willing to work. 




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